Negative space

Cover image

I’ve come back to Arya with a heavy heart after a little personal thing that happened in the family. I am too sensitive but one thing I’ve learned is that I cannot change that about me, I’ve tried and unfortunately, it's in my core, my design, my blood. I will say however, that when there is hardship I stand proud in the face of adversity and challenge it head on, that’s a trait I’ve developed since I was a boy and I can thank film for that. The power of what a film can do is the very reason why I’m a film maker and most of why I am what I am. All these quests and searching and discovering is because of film, the need to find purpose, fulfilment and change. I'm a catalyst by nature but I’m tired of upsetting people when I speak the truth or express myself. Most people can’t handle the truth for some reason; I guess they would prefer I lie... what a pretentious superficial world we live in.

Finding reason in beauty
Finding reason in beauty

I arrived at my tent and the sun was out and the wind was calm. I jumped at the opportunity to get the shot I needed on the drone. I put the battery under my armpit then got everything ready. I stuck the battery in, fired up the drone and took off; only seconds later to discover that I had forgotten the drones mini SD card at the lodge... mission terminated. I’ll make a turn by the lodge tomorrow to get the SD card. I plan on doing the full track around the area to assess if the rumours are true that the wolves may be on the opposite side of lungden village. The weather was warm enough to strip down and soak up some vitamin D, it felt so good to get some sun on me again, it perked me up and boosted my morale. I must have got at least 30 minutes of hot sun on my skin which was all I needed. Then it was back to work.

my private idaho
my private idaho

I had to cross the river opposite lungden village to scout the right side of the ridge, tomorrow I scout the left which will take me all the way down to monjo village where the bridge is. I’ll cross the bridge and go into lungden village and find out exactly where they heard the wolves, then I’ll pass the lodge, pick up the card and head back up to the tent. It will definitely take the whole day if not into the night.

Narrowing my options
Narrowing my options

To cross the bridge, I found 2 big boulders that were more or less 9 feet apart with a rapid in between. It so happens there was a log on the banks, probably from the old bridge that got washed away. I stretched the log across, walked to the centre boulder, grabbed the log and placed it over the next section and bingo, I was across. Of course, the river has come down in depth somewhat since I first arrived but still, I’m not walking around with wet cold shoes all day.

crossing the first threshold
crossing the first threshold

crossing the second threshold
crossing the second threshold

No luck with any prints on the other side of the river so they are definitely not traversing across, which narrows my options thankfully. I’ll spend another night where I last saw tracks and then it’s up to Renjo lo pass... that’s the last of my options.